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Instant Crypto
News Bot

Search and discover crypto news in real-time on a user-friendly interface.

Real-Time News

"Instant crypto news bot" curates and delivers news articles in near realtime, blog posts, announcements, and updates from reputable sources within the Solana ecosystem.

Curates & Delivers News Article

Receive near instant updates from reputable sources, and more.

Links to Original Sources

Each news summary includes links to the original sources, allowing users to access the full articles and dive deeper into topics that interest them.


Users can customize their news preferences based on specific topics or categories of interest, such as technology updates, project launches, protocol upgrades, partnerships, and more.

User-Friendly Interface

The bot offers a simple and user-friendly interface where users can easily access news summaries, customize their preferences, and engage with the community.

Unprecedented Accuracy. Impeccable Reliability.

Links to Original Sources

Each news summary includes links to the original sources, allowing users to access the full articles and dive deeper into topics that interest them. This gives users the opportunity to verify information and explore additional details as needed.

User-Friendly Interface

Our bot offers a simple and user-friendly interface where users can easily access news summaries, customize their preferences, and engage with the community. The interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, even for users who are new to Telegram bots.


Powerd by $NEWS

Overall, "Instant crypto news bot" offers a convenient

and efficient way for degens and enthusiasts to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the Solana ecosystem. It provides valuable insights, fosters community engagement, and helps users make informed decisions in their involvement with Solana.

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